Transfer damage values in the Arcadia Extra Mook onto the character pages.Why? This is not the place to coom, take it elsewhere. This feels like it was written by Capcom players and done with minimal labbing) The more I work on the wiki the more I realize how much misinfo there is. but a lot of it is also pretty outdated or straight up false/misleading. Clean up info on character pages (it's okay info.Finished (mostly) with reformatting everyone's pages to modern layout (Geese's will be the example to follow).Remove everything that is in first person (this is bad practice in general, especially with all the 'in my opinion' comments) change it to second person.Change notation to match other SNK wikis for easier readability/consistency.Proofread everything and fix English (Adding parentheses everywhere like this is incredibly unnatural to read).They have to keep long and shen long as is but maybe they can do something different with fang maybe they should had some pre historic transformation seeing as they have legendary beasts and everything else then they could make him like a Dire Wolf or something. Saying that I do wish mans like Greg and the Fox chick were still in the game if they do a new one should bring them back. They only added like 2 tigers and 2 wolfs and its not like they or the half beast or the unknown did not have actual stories. Alice was my main in BR1 before they took away all her fun stuff and hard-hitting moves.
Bloody roar 3 shoryuken series#
If the series ever returns, I’d like to see the original 8 characters back. Not that Greg was an amazing design, but at least having a Gorilla is 600% cooler than just having a second Tiger, or a “Half-Beast” Cat. I’d love for BR to make a comeback even if BR1 was really the only installment I truly loved to play because after that they just added too many characters that IMHO were pretty shitty designs.